FAQ by Companies

You can send us a message that you want to list a job posting from the page that opens after clicking the “Add Job” button in the upper right corner of the page. Our customer representative will return to your message about the information required for the job posting, the price and how to pay.

You may not have an HR team to manage the hiring process from start to finish. If you find it difficult to choose the right people among hundreds of applications, we offer solutions that will simplify the process for you. You can contact us for detailed information.

Certainly. Blockchain, web3, crypto money enthusiasts visit this site every day, and it is one of the most suitable channels for your advertisement to reach the right people. Contact us now and let’s talk details.

Companies are constantly changing structures. If you want to change any information about your company on our website, you can send an e-mail to contact@getjobinblockchain.com.

FAQ by Job Seekers

We provide paid consultancy on how to create areas where you can show your work, such as CV, portfolio, social media profile, which are necessary for you to get positive results from job applications. You can find out the details by contacting us immediately.